Establish MerLion as a premier provider of security services for clients in both shore and maritime environments. Our efforts will maintain a focus on sustainability of local, national and global resources and fuse high performance human skills with emerging technologies to achieve both MerLion and client objectives.
MerLion engages PEOPLE. The strengths of our people, and ultimately the strengths of MerLion, reside in the variety of perspective and experience we each “bring to the table” to solve challenges for clients. Our over-riding objective is to set the required conditions for success and is based upon our integrity, determination, professional competence, collaboration, creativity, and a singular vision to become the best at what we do.

The following applies to every position in MerLion.
From CEO to Supervisor, to technician to operator let the following guidelines take precedence:

Arnie Tyler
CEO and President
Retired Captain, U.S. Navy
Arnie founded MerLion to continue bringing executive risk management guidance to clients operating in regulated, complex and/or conflicted environments. His teams have protected critical assets and operations for corporations, the U.S. Navy, the energy industry, and governments to accomplish goals that matter: opening markets for safe business operations in South America, reopening energy projects in contested waters and shore bases of West Africa, stewarding global resources through recycling classified U.S. warships, and protecting humanitarian supplies passing through critical international ports. His vision of enhancing safety and security operations through a fusion of technology and human performance is the passion behind MerLion’s services and finding solutions to your needs.

Scott Jerabek
Senior Advisor
Rear Admiral, U.S. Navy, Retired
Scott is MerLions Strategic Advisory Committee Lead and brings unparalleled strategic experience to your table. His experience is based in the Surface community of the US Navy and while he began as a Naval officer on a battleship he branched into in securing maritime interests around the world focused on ports, waterways and critical onshore operations and supply chains beginning in the Arabian Gulf. He capped his career supporting security interests in Latin America and finally managing existential threats to national security. Admiral Jerabek is a celebrated mentor of leaders world-wide, and is at your disposal as a leader of MerLion’s Strategic Advisory Committee

Randy Dobbins
VP of Operations
Master Chief, US Navy (Retired). Consultant, Performance Motivation
Randy embodies “deck plate leadership” at its finest! Bring a leader of team players into your security operations and enhance your team effectiveness and productivity. As a result of his clear standards and motivational efforts for mid-level leaders and operators alike Randy’s teams have achieved numerous awards for professional, focused, and effective unit security operations. Make the security practices of your business ventures focused, efficient, and cost effective with quality teams behind your efforts.

Steve Morris
Steve Morris is MerLion’s center of gravity on security systems and tactical experience honed over 23 years in the United States Secret Service, tours with the US Navy electronic warfare community, and as a regional communications project Director. His expertise covers assessments, tactics, surveillance, and technology solutions for the security of US Presidents and key leaders where he has conducted countless “executive protection” assessments and operations globally. As a Technical Surveillance Countermeasures Agent he is MerLion’s go-to leader in counterterrorism tools and techniques with proficiencies in secure communications, cameras and intrusion detection systems, and new applications for emerging technologies. Engage with MerLion to address your evolving security requirements in all environments.
Dan Randall
Daniel (Dan) Randall is an accomplished Maritime Security professional bringing extensive operational experience to MerLion clients. His 25 year career in the US Navy (Senior Chief Petty Officer) culminated in him becoming a premier Patrol Boat operator and trainer in complex environments. He deployed multiple times in support of the War on Terror and his dedication to maritime security led him to found Decatur Maritime Security where he conducted anti-piracy operations in the Gulf of Aden and provided security services to private companies and government agencies in Africa. Dan also brings a Masters degree in Project Management and Leadership to support MerLion clients.

Crystal Garcia
Executive Assistant
Crystal is MerLion’s Representative of the CEO and Executive Leadership of Merlion Advisory Group. A strong individual who graduated from Texas A&M University in College Station. With a strong background in the legal industry, she possesses a broad range of skills and expertise that make her an asset. She is a Resident from the beautiful city of Brownsville, Texas. Her time at Texas A&M has not only equipped her with a solid educational foundation, but it has also instilled in her a strong work ethic and a passion for excellence. Her commitment to professional growth and development is evident in her extensive work, which is geared towards supporting MerLion's strategic goals.

Judith Tyler
Language Consultant
Interpreter – International Facilitator Consultant, Special Projects
Judith brings MerLion a unique capability to converse in languages other than English. She has worked extensively in Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates and is fluent in Arabic as well as the Filipino languages of Tagalog and Besiah. Judith also represents a network of linguists MerLion has at our disposal to translate and facilitate discussions in Spanish, Mandarin Chinese, and Korean to name a few. Make sure your intentions and goals are aligned in the regions and countries your team operates – bring local linguistic expertise into your process!

CAGE code 82CD6
Texas Private Security Company: C09372101
Texas Security Training School: F28531601
Texas Commission On Law Enforcement (TCOLE) Weapons Instructors
SBA Certified: Service - Disabled Veteran - Owned